Art•ist noun \ˈär-tist\:
a person who creates art : a person who is skilled at drawing, painting, etc. (Merriam-Webster)

I think the word artist is a silly word. It’s a title you create for yourself expecting a sometimes unrealistic standard. Therefore I don’t call myself an artist. I suppose creator is better, but not quite right. I think I am a person who makes art. Flat out, no title is necessary.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

This octopus currently sits in my back-up sketchbook. I've been working on it for a while.
I don't draw a lot of faces successfully.
I drew this along time ago. One of my personal favorites.
Another tree. Drew this around Halloween.


I recently have found a love for drawing anatomical related things. There will be a lot more where this came from.


I draw a lot of trees.  They're good for spacing out.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Well... Shoot. I made a blog.

First post ever. Testing everything out. There will be pictures and other miscellaneous things up soon... Hopefully.